Award winning natural skincare. Christine will be at Linlithgow Spring Fayre (Lawrie Hall Level 2) Sat 15th March (10-4pm). Come and discuss your natural skincare and try a few products (whilst stocks lasts). Some great gift ideas

Great interacting with customers at markets

We started our natural skincare business with great emphasis on attending weekly markets. We would be able to engage with people, find out what interested them about their skin and how we could help. 

As part of our offering we provide samples of our products for people to try. There is nothing like letting someone try your product and discussing their skincare needs. Many times people have been amazed about how luxurious a face oil feels! Or how a hand oil is absorbed.

We now have a website and attend markets less regularly, but it is still a chance to meet our customers and get immediate feedback on the productas that we sell.

We are in Edinburgh this Saturday (Balerno Market) and Sunday (Stockbridge). Hope to see you there.

#naturalskincare #faceoilsno1no2no3 #soapdishes #handoil #footoil

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