Award winning natural skincare. Christine will be at Linlithgow Spring Fayre (Lawrie Hall Level 2) Sat 15th March (10-4pm). Come and discuss your natural skincare and try a few products (whilst stocks lasts). Some great gift ideas

Hand made designer soap dishes

These beautiful hand made soap dishes compliment our natural skincare product range. Made by two different local artists in Scotland, they provide the perfect "designer artwork" to hold a bar of natural soap.

These original soap dishes will light up any sink or bathroom. Beautifully shaped with no hard edges, they should fit most areas next to a sink. All are original pieces; each dish is different.

Our natural soap contains no SLS or artificial ingredients. Very moisturising and especially good for sensitive skin. Made by our aromatherapist so they smell fantastic.

Most come with a hole to let out any moisture. Please check the website for dimensions and photographs. Approximately 9/10cm x 12/13cm. All made in small batches.

#soapdishes #naturalskincare #soapmatters #faceoilsno1no2no3 #ecologi

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