Award winning natural skincare. Christine will be at Linlithgow Spring Fayre (Lawrie Hall Level 2) Sat 15th March (10-4pm). Come and discuss your natural skincare and try a few products (whilst stocks lasts). Some great gift ideas

Which Face Oil is best for your skin?

Everyone's skin is individual. However there are some key things that you want your Face Oil to be.

  • Natural - with a list of ingredients that you can check out
  • Moisturising with ingredients that are nourishing for the skin
  • Won't block pores - the Face Oil has ingredients with a low comedogenic value
  • A great smell and makes your skin feel silky soft - a little bit of luxury for everyday
  • Won't break the bank - our Face Oils are half the price of similar High Street brands.

Oils penetrate more deeply than a cream and are non greasy. We have developed three Face Oils. Check them out and give them a try today.

#soapmatters #faceoilsno1no2no3 #oilforhands #naturalskincare

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